Costa Rica Sumava de Lourdes


TASTING NOTES: Citrus / Honey / Passion Fruit

SKU: costaricasumavadelourdes Categories: ,


Producer: Francisco Mena
Farm: Sumava de Lourdes
Region: Lourdes de Naranjo, West Valley
Elevation: 1800 MASL
Processing: “Black Honey” — Partially de-pulped and dried 2 weeks on raised beds
Cultivars: 100% Villa Sarchi
Producer Partnership: 15 years

Our friendship with Francisco Mena goes back nearly 15 years, long before he and a group of ragtag coffee farmers forever changed the Costa Rican coffee industry with their “Micro-mill Revolution.” We’ll always count ourselves as lucky to be the first to experience what this project and these talented farmers created over the years.  Some of the best coffees we’ve ever roasted have come from this group, led always by Francisco.

After great success administering the micro-mill project in the West Valley and Tarrazu, Francisco took an opportunity to enthusiastically jump into farming his own coffee. His farm, Sumava de Lourdes, was planted in 2014 on the site of a former dairy farm and has quickly become celebrated for its quality and innovation. A big part of what excites us about Sumava is the dedication to flavor-forward cultivars: SL-28 (Kenya), Gesha, Mokka, and orange Bourbon are just a few. The focus here is not quantity, but quality.

Villa Sarchi is also well-represented on the farm and is ideally suited to Sumava’s high elevation and strong winds. A dwarf mutation of Bourbon, Villa Sarchi likes challenging conditions to reach its full potential (slow growth helps develop sugars). This lot was “honey” processed and dried meticulously on raised beds for two weeks – a process that further concentrates fruit flavors and sugars and makes for an exceptional cup. This is the fourth Villa Sarchi harvest Flying Goat Coffee has brought in from Sumava de Lourdes — it never disappoints.

Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions6 × 4 × 3 in

Farm Elevation



Process Method